Lights, arms and gears for underwater photographers. Email:
Deepshots Double Ball Arms
Deepshots Standard Clamp
Deepshots Triple Clamp
Deepshots Extra-Long Clamp
Weefine Right Handle Tray Extension
Deepshots Macro Adaptors for Sea & Sea YS-D3 Snoot
Deepshots Trioplan 50 Focus Gear (micro four thirds)
Deepshots Experimental Trioplan 100 Nauticam gear
Z Tentacle Solid Core Fibre Optic Snoot
Deepshots Panasonic 8-18 Zoom Gear - NEW
Deepshots Olympus 12-50 Zoom Gear v2
Deepshots Olympus 30mm Focus Gear
Deepshots Panasonic 12-32 Zoom Gear
Weefine WFL02 M52 Fisheye Lens
Weefine WFL11 Wide-angle Lens
Weefine M52-M67 Lens Adapter for WFL02
Weefine WFL12 Wide-angle Lens
Kraken LTD 7000 Video Light
Kraken NR-LEP01 Spotting and Video Light - NEW
Weefine Solar Flare 4500 Video Light - NEW
Weefine Smart Focus 2500 Video/Spotting Light - NEW
Kraken LTD 2500 Video Light
Weefine WFA43 Fibre Optic Cable for PT-058/59
Weefine Standard Fibre Optic Cable
Weefine Inon Cable Adapter